Safety Rules For Childrens on Road, in Bus, in School and While Playing


It is an attempt to teach SAFETY in an entertaining way, which would definitely prove to be the most effective method for training young minds. Find safety tips to keep your young one safe, no matter where they are. Safety on road, to be alert walking and crossing the roads, Following traffic signals and their importance. Safety in the play parks, Safety at home and dangers involved. How to avoid accidents? And most importantly to be alert all the time.

Always cross the road when the signal is red, use the zebra crossing.
Never walk in the middle of the road.
Traffic signals: The red light says to stop.
The yellow light indicates slow down.
The Green light is the go signals.
People can use the subways or foot-over bridges to cross the road. Never cross the road while running, never get down from a running bus.
The most important safety rules.
Always play in a group.
Never accept any chocolates from strangers.
Never talk to stranger.
Never go near a swimming pool alone.
Always obey the traffic rules.

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